Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- PEO 1:MBAs will be able to find employment in corporate sector of the country and even abroad.
- PEO 2:MBAs will be able to start their own enterprises providing employment to others.
- PEO 3:MBAs will be able to serve in NGO’s and social organizations by the dint of their managerial capability.
- PEO 4:MBAs will be able to demonstrate skills in presentation, leadership, teamwork, social responsibility and entrepreneurship.
- PEO 5:MBAs will be able to work for interdisciplinary research by using modern management concepts.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
Programme Outcomes (POs)
- PO 1. Enhance Communication skills and develop personality and two way communication in the class.
- PO 2: Exposure to Industry through Industrial Visit & Industrial training during summer.
- PO 3: Exposure to outside experts through Guest Lectures
- PO 4: Exposure of faculty & students to International/National Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Symposium Industry Institute Conclave.
- PO 5: More focus on Value Addition Courses which will be useful at the time of Campus Placement
- PO 6: Bridging the gap between Industry demand and students’ skills by providing Campus training Programs and to ensure effective placements for students.
- PO 7: Encourage students for becoming Entrepreneurs.
- PO 8: Encouragement for faculty members to do Research Projects in various funding agencies like ICSSR, MPCOST, MHRD etc with proper involvement of student in project work.
- PO 9: Better internal grading based on the performance in various academic, co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
- PO 10: Regular features including Alumni Activity, Umang Sagar, National Conferences and Workshops.