NBA accredited colleges Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh


  • Faculty Achievements

  • Student Achievements

• Prof. Monika Kherajaniof CSE Department SIRT completed a Data Science Professional Certification by CAREERERA on 15 February 2024.

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•Prof. Ankita Awasthi of CSE Department SIRT Published a Book on title “Secure Data Communication for Cluster based Wireless Sensor Network” in LAMBERT Publication.

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Prof. Tasneem Jahanh as attended a FDP on Software Testing by NPTEL-AICTE.

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Dr.Aumreesh Kumar Saxena, Dr.Ritu Shrivastava, Prof. Arun Jhapate ,Dr. Rajiv Srivastava published a paper entitle “Review on Advanced Vehicle Recognition System: OCR and REST API Integration for Efficient Results” in International Conference on Computing, Power, and Communication Technologies (IC2PCT) 2024.

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Dr.Aumreesh Kumar Saxena, Dr.Ritu Shrivastava, Prof. Arun Jhapate ,Dr. Rajiv Srivastava published a paper entitle “Automatic and Advanced Identification of Any Vehicle Using Unique Identifiers through OCR and Rest API Colloborative System” in International Conference on Computing, Power, and Communication Technologies (IC2PCT) 2024.

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Dr.Kapil Chaturvedi, Dr.Vijay Bhandari, Dr.Ritu Shrivastava, Mr.Rishabh Tiwariof CSE AND MCA Department published a paper entitle “A Comparative Study on Diabetic Retinopathy Datasets for Data Accuracy Detection” in International Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS) held at MAULANA AZAD NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY IEEE 2024

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Dr.BhartiSalunke reviewed 8 SCI research papers of following Journals: 1. IEEE Access 2. Visual computer 3. Alexandria Engineering Journal 4. Scientific Reports 5. Multimedia tools and applications 6. Earth science 7. Nonlinear dynamics 8. Signal, image & video processing

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Prof. Chetan Gupta Faculty of CSE Department has published a paper entitle “A Detailed Analysis of Intrusion Detection with Machine Learning” in International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN: 2320-2882 Impact factor 7.97 APRIL 2024.

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Dr. Vijay Bhandari Published Research paper in Scopus journal "BREAST CANCER DETECTION USING DEEP LEARNING ALGORITHMS “Journal of machine intelligent research, ISSN: 2731-538X | E-ISSN:2731-5398 Vol. 17 No. 02

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Ms.Shreya Deshmukh Faculty of CSE Department has published a paper entitle “Applications of Artificial Intelligence in company Management and E-commerce: A Review” in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 11(2), ISSN: 2394-9333.

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A Research paper of Anupama Jain on “Visual Cryptography Based Authentication Technique for Cloud Environment using SVD Factorization” Published in International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology ISSN No.2249-8958, Volume-9 Issue-2, December 2019 pp 4307-4314 (SCOPUS INDEXED

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Anupriya Singh has been selected as a Reviewer for “World-wide journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development”.

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Prof . Komal Tahiliani has been selected as a Reviewer for journal “world wide journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development”.

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Ritu Shrivastava has been appointed as a member of International Advisory committee in ICRTMDR to be held in Maldives on 26th and 27th December 2020.

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Prof. Chetan Gupta appointed as an Editors of "International Journal of Circuit, Computing and Networking" May 2022, Ref: IJCCN/LM/19.

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Prof. Chetan Gupta appointed as an Editors of "International Journal of Communication and Information Technology" May 2022, Ref: IJCIT/LM/22.

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Prof. Chetan Gupta appointed as an Editors of "International Journal of Computing, Programming and Database Management" at Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 2022, Ref: IJCPDM/LM/18.

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Dr. Kapil Chaturvedi received the “Golden Elite Member Award” from the chancellor of SAGE University Bhopal, in January 2022.

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Dr. Kapil Chaturvedi Coordinated SAGE Winter School on “Get Ready for Your Future with JAVA” in January 2022

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Dr. Kapil Chaturvedi Appointed as a “Students Activity Committee Member” in the 9 th Bhopal Vigyan Mela, in January 2022

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Dr. Kapil Chaturvedi registered one copyright on “Secure Image Transmission System” with copyright office Govt of India in April 2022

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Dr. Kapil Chaturvedi Appointed as “Institute Coordinator for IBM Skill Build Program”, Appointed as Branch Counsellor for “Computer Society of India (CSI) students’ chapter” , Appointed as SPOC for Smart India Hackathon (SIH-2022), Become a Member of IAAC (International Association of Academic PLUS Corporate) for AY-2022

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Jay Kumar Jain and Varsha Jain published the book chapter titled: “A Novel Survey on Blockchain for Internet of Things” for the book "Transforming Businesses with Bitcoin Mining and Blockchain Applications”, ISBN: 9781799801863, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0186-3, IGI Global Publisher, 2019.

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Jay Kumar Jain and Dipti Chauhan and Sanjay Sharma published the book chapter titled: “Descriptive Study on WSN with Internet of Things” for the book "Advances in Computer Science (Volume - 5)", ISBN: 978-93-5335-653-8, AkiNik Publications (International Publishers) Book DOI:, 2019.

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Jay Kumar Jain published the book titled: “MANETs: A Descriptive Literature Survey”, ISBN: 978-620-4-20071-2 , in LAMBERT Publications (International Publishers).

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Dr. Jay Kumar Jain and his team, applied a design patent Intellectual Property Rights India, on “Garbage Collector”, Application No. 346516-001

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Dr. Jay Kumar Jain and his team granted an Australian Patent on “THE WASTE SEGREGATION METHOD USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUE”, at Australian Government IP Australia, Patent number: 2021101744.

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Arun Jhapate: Best Teacher Award from Kautilya Shiksha Samiti

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Srijan Award Prof Dheeresh Soni, Prof Arun Jhapate, Prof Priyanka Saxena, & Prof Ruchi Thakur received the "Srijan Award" in 2018 for 100% result in his/her subject.

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Dr Rajesh K Shukla has authored more than 06 Books with publishers of International repute Wiley India and Cengage Learning which has been recommended by various universities in their syllabus.

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Dr Rajesh K Shukla attended and chaired the session in 8th IEEE International conference on “Communication Systems and Network Technologies(CSNT) organized by School of Information Technology RGPV Bhopal in Nov 2018.

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Books on “Data Engineering and Applications” by Dr Rajesh K Shukla and others is published by Springer in Two Volumes .

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Prof Brajesh Sharma (CSE) and Prof Monica Kherajani (CSE) recieved SRIJAN AWARD.

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Dr Rajesh K Shukla (HoD CSE) was appointed as an External Examiner for PhD dissertation viva by Bharthiar University (14th Rank by UGC) Coimbatore .

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Dr Rajesh K Shukla (Professor and Head , Department of CSE) delivered the Expert lecture on “Cyber crimes ,security and awareness” on 18 Sept 2019 in Corporate Institute of Science and Technology Bhopal.

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Ankur Pandey was felicitated by the prestigious Sage chairman Award on the occasion of the sage foundation day for his excellence contribution in the year 2020-21

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Prof. Ankita Awasthi of CSE Department has published a book Entitle “Fundamental and Technology of Computer” in June 2022.

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Prof. Harshita Jain of CSE Department Received Performer of the Month award in June 2022

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Dr. Kapil Chaturvedi of CSE Department Published a Book Chapter on title “Self- Employment in Electronic Engineering using Iot and Computer Science” by IETE.

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The Australian Patent has been granted to Prof. Prachi Sharma. Patent no. 2021104849

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Dr. KapilChaturvedi et al. published one book chapter on “Self-Employment in Electronic Engineering using IoT and Computer Science”, published in IETE with ISBN No. ISBN No. - 978-93-5416-479-8

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