NBA accredited colleges Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh


Dr. M. Fatima alongwith mtech student published a  paper titled "Survey on Microstrip Patch Antenna for 5G Communication Systems"  in international journal Research and Technology in themonth of October22

Dr. M. Fatima along with PhD student published a paper on Wideband Metasurface Loaded Circularly Polarized MIMO Microtrip Antenna with High Isolation in SCOPUS indexed journal of Microvave review in Dec 2022.

Dr. Navneet Kaur published a research paper on “ Sales Insights Data Analysis in Power BI”  in  National Virtual Conference  on Recent Development of 6G Wireless Communication” Held in  IES COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Bhopal on 13-15 Dec 2022

Dr. Shalinee Sahay published a research paper on “Smart Waste Management System” in National Virtual Conference on Recent Development of 6G Wireless Communication” Held in  IES COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Bhopal on 13-15 Dec 2022.


  1. Shalini Sahay, “Implementation of Power Area Efficient 32 Bit approximate Multiplier with Improved Accuracy”,JETIR,2021,8,2,1981-1986,
  2. Shalini Sahay, “Dynamic Brain Tumor Image Detection Using Median Filter Genetic Algorithm, IJSRE ,2021, 7,  2, 598-603,
  3. Shikha Soni, “Design of high gain and high bandwidth operational transconductance amplifier (OTA)”, International Journal of ElectronicsT&F,2021,109,5,774-793,
  4. Shweta Rajoria, A. Trivedi, W. W. Godfrey, “Energy Efficiency Optimization for Massive MIMO Backhaul Networks with Imperfect CSI and Full Duplex Small Cell”, Wirel. Pers. Commun.,2021,119,691-712, DOI:10.1007/S11277-021-08231-7
  5. Shweta Rajoria, A. Trivedi, W. W. Godfrey, “ Sum rate optimization for NOMA based two tier hetnets with MASSIVE MIMO enabled wireless backhauling, IJEC, Elsevier, 2021, 132, DOI:10./10.1016/j.aeue.2021.153626
  6. Abhishek Sharma, Vijayshrichaurasia, “ MRI Denoising Using Advanced NLM Filtering With Non-Sub-Sampled Shearlet Transforms” , International Journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing (SIVP), 2021,   15,1531-1539,
  7. Mehajabeen Fatima, “Survey on Potato Disease Identification System IoT Application”, ITIRSET, 2021,10,9.      
  8. Navneet Kaur, “   Review of Technique of Black Hole Attacks in Mobile AD HOC Networks”, ITIRSET, 2021, 10,9.
  9. MukeshYadav,StutiMukrariya, “Implementation Modified S Box in AES Algorithm for Security Enhancement” , JETIR, 2021,8,10,pp.331-334.
  10. Mukesh Yadav, “Security Enhancmen using AES over IoT Application     “, IJRIM, 2021, 2.
  11. Mukesh Yadav, “Stepped Impedance Effect on Microstrip Structure:  A review   “, IJITE, 2021,7, 3.
  12. Shalini Sahay Design of Lidar Based Safety Model for Railway  Int. Journal of All Research Education &Scitific (IJARESM), 2021, vol. 9, pp. 1468-1473.
  13. Shalini Sahay, “A review on auto detection of alzheimer's disease using deep convolution neural networks “, The Int. Journal of Analytical & Experimental Modal Analysis , 2021,13,11,pp235-238, 18.0002.IJAEMA.2021.V13I11.200001.01568591034


  1. Mehajabeen Fatima, “Performance Analysis of AODV and ZRP for Congestion Consequences in MANET”, International Journal of Science Engineering and Technology, 2020, 8            ,1,pp.1-7,
  2. Mehajabeen Fatima, “Optimization of ART and DC for Scalable MANET”, International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends , 2020,  6, 1, pp. 1 to 13,
  3. Vivek Tiwari, KavitaKhare , SmitaShandilya, “An Efficient 4X4 Mesh Structure with a Combination of Two NoC Router Architecture” ,  International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, 2020, 11,2,169-180,
  4. Swati parmar, Keshav Mishra, “Moth Flame Optimization Based Maximization Of Transmission  Rate For Cognitive Radio Users”, International Journal of Advanced ScienceandTechnology,2020,29,12,1845-1851,
  5. Akansha Shkula, Keshav Mishra, “Performance Improvement on Cellular Network using  Cognitive  Radio Network with Coordinated Multipoint Joint Transmission” , International Journal of Science,Engineering andTechnology,2020,8,1,pp1-7,


  1. Mehajabeen Fatima, “Design And Analysis Of Circularly Polarized Broadband Patch Antenna Using Quasi-Lumped Impedance Surface”,International Journal Of Innovative TrendsInEngineering(IJITE),2019,50,74,
  2. Mehajabeen Fatima, “Wheat Disease Identification System Using Image Segmentation And Threshold Filter   “Accent Journal Of Economics Ecology & Engineering, 2019, 3,9,
  3. Navneet Kaur, “Congestion Control Scheme Using Network Coding with Local Route Assistance in Mobile Ad-hoc Network”, International Journal of Computer Applications inTechnology,Inderscience,2019,60,3,pp-242-253.
  4. Navneet Kaur, Rakesh Singhai, “ Congestion Detection and Congestion Control Method Using Fuzzy Logic Control in Mobile Ad-hoc Network”, International Journal of Research in Electronics And Computer Engineering ,2019,     7,1,pp.324-329.
  5. Keshav Mishra,  AdityaTrivedi,  Rekha Gupta, “Power Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks  using Genetic Algorithm”, international Journal of Innovative Technology and  Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2019,   8,11,pp.4253-4257,DOI: 0.35940/ijitee.K2432.0981119.
  6. Keshav Mishra,.Rekha Gupta, AdityaTrivedi, “Underlay and Overlay Subcarrier Power  Optimization of OFDMA Based Cognitive Radio Network Using Different Evolutionary Algorithm”, TEST  Engineering & Management magazine, 2019, 83      pp. 2595 – 2601.
  7. Akanksha Shukla, Keshav Mishra, “Cognitive Radio: Challenges of Future Technologies in spectrum    Management”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, 2019, 7, 9, pp. 364-366,
  8. Vivek Tiwari, K. Khare, “ Efficient configurable Crossbar switch design for NoC”,  International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2019, 8, 11, pp.  959-964,
  9. Vivek Tiwari, K. Khare, “Design of speed & area efficient NoC architecture by integrating switches with simplified decoder and reduced buffers”,  International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2019            , 8, 10,             pp.2990-2994,
  10. Abhishek Sharma, Vijayshri chaurasia, “     Noise Removal of MRI Images with Different Similarities using Advance NLM Filtering”,      International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019,             8, 3, pp. 8476-8480, DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C6647.098319
  11. Abhishek Sharma, Vijayshri chaurasia, “     Two Stage MRI De-noising using NLM with Bitonic Filtering”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 2019, 9, 1, pp. 782-786, DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A1387.109119.
  12. Shruti Dixit, “Security Improvement of AODV Routing Protocol through IPSO-IDRS Mechanism for Mobile Ad-hoc networks”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE),  2019, 8,12, 2019, pp. 1009-1015, DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1489.1081219.
  13. NavneetKaur, Kriti Jain, “ High Performance Integrated Circuit for Multiplier-less Finite Impulse Response” , International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering ,2019,  7,10, pp. 246-250,
  14. NavneetKaur, Kriti Jain, “VLSI Architecture for Transpose Form FIR Filter using Integrated Module and Brent Kung Adder”, International Journal of Research in ElectronicsAndComputerEngineering,2019,7,4,373-376.
  15. Navneet Kaur, Rakesh Singhai, “Analysis of Traffic Impact on Proposed Congestion Control Scheme in AODV”, Wireless Personal Communication, Springer         , 109, pp. 1395-1418,
  16. Shalini Sahay, “Detection And Classification Of Ecg Signal Through Machine Learning”, International Journal Of Innovative Technology And Exploring Engineering,2019,8,10,pp.3221-3227,
  17. Mehajabeen Fatima, “Design and Analysis of Circularly Polarized Broadband Patch Antenna Using Quasi-Lumped Impedance Surface”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE TRENDS IN ENGINEERING (IJITE) “, 2019, 50, 74, pp.           5- 8,
  18. Harshmani Yadav, Uday Panwar, “Design of 8-Bit ALU Design using GDI Techniques with Less Power and Delay”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering ,2019, 8, 4, pp. 10083-10088            DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D9544.118419.
  19. Anjali  Patware, Uday Panwar , A Novel Design CNTFET based Adiabatic Logic Circuit for Low Power Application,  International Journal of Advanced Science & Technology,  2019, 29, 7,pp. 5999-6011,
  20. Namrata Sharma, Uday Panwar , “ A Novel Approach for Analysis CNTFET Based Domino Circuit in Nano Scale Design”, International Journal of Advanced Science & Technology,2019,29,7,pp.5898-5908,


  1. Pratibha Singh Gour, Uday Panwar, “A Review on Leakage Power on FinFET Technology”, CiiT International Journal of Software Engineering and Technology, 10,  8, 2018, pp. 161-166 SE08201800.
  2. Shruti  Dixit, Rakesh Singhai, “A Novel Black Hole Attack Prevention System Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Intrusion Detection System in MANET “, International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering (IJRECE), 2018,6,2,pp.2155-2160.
  3. Shruti  Dixit, Rakesh Singhai, “Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based Intrusion Detection System (PSO-IDS) for Mobile Ad-hoc Network         International Journal of Autonomic Computing (IJAC), Inderscience, 2018, 3, 2,  pp. 114-129, DOI: 10.1504/IJAC.2018.097618.
  4. Shalini Sahay, SS Bhadouriya, “AnalysisofEcg Signals Using Wavelets And Iir Filter ForDenoising”,IJRECE,2018,7,1,pp.543-547.
  5. Shalini Sahay, SS Bhadouriya, “Hrv Analysis Using Time Domain Methods “, Accent Journal Of Economics Ecology And Engineering, 2018,3,9,pp.2456-1037.
  6. Shalini Sahay, “A Novel Approach to Design and Implement Low Power High-speed HDL Model”, International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering ,2018, 11, 1,  pp. 7-12.
  7. Shalini Sahay, “          A Study on Power Implementation and Validation at Higher Level of Abstraction            “, International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering , 2018,  11,  1, pp1-6.
  8. Mehajabeen Fatima, “Survey Paper on IOT and Image Processing Based Crop Disease Identification System,”, International Journal Of Computer Sciences And Engineering,  2018, 6,8, pp:339-342 , 

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