NBA accredited colleges Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh


Prof. Deepak Kumar Bandewar Published a paper entitle “Analysis of Tall Building Structure with Light Weight Concrete Blocks using ETABS Software” in International Journal of Science Engineering and Technology ISSN (Online): 2436-4169 ISSN (Print): 2398-4759, 2023

Prof. Sachin Jat Published a paper entitle “ Experimental Study Of Mix Design Of Concrete By Using Sand With Plastic Waste” in International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology ISSN (Online): 2348-4098 ISSN (Print): 2395-4752, 2023

Dr Rakesh Patel Published a paper entitle “A Review on Analysis and Design of Code Exceeding Structures Using is 16700” in International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology ISSN (Online): 2348-4098 ISSN (Print): 2395-4752, 2023

Prof Arvind Singh Gaur Published a paper entitle “A Brief Review of Experimental Studies of Paver Blocks Manufactured with Concrete Demolition Wastes” in Engineering and Technology Journal for Research and Innovation (ETJRI) ISSN 2581-8678, Volume V, Issue I, Dec 2022


Prof. Arvind Singh Gaur, Published a paper entitled “A comparative analysis of behavior of multi-storied regular and irregular buildings” in IJSRD volume 10 issue 4 june, 2022

Prof Arti Dholi published a paper entitle “Study of vertical farming in buildings” in Journal of  Innovation in civil Engineering and Management volume  1 issue 2, 2022

Prof Nitesh Gupta published a paper entitle “Structural behaviour of fly ash based geopolymer for roller compacted concrete pavement” in ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engg, 2022

Prof Arti Dholi published a paper entitle “Effect of Masonry Infill in Reinforced Multistoreyed Building by Linear Static and Dynamic Analysis using Mat Lab” in Scienxt Journal of Civil Engineering (SJoCE) 2022


Prof. Aakash Shrivastava published a paper entitle “Rubberized concrete Bridge: An alternative structure” in journal of High Technology, 2021

Prof. Atul Kumar Vaidya published a paper entitle “Sustainable building materials” in Two days E- International conference, RAICE- 2021

Prof. Atul Kumar Vaidya published a paper entitle “Investigation of modified bitumen mix” in  Two days E-  National conference on Integrative advances in Civil Engineering,2021

Dr. Shubha Bhargava published a paper entitle “Assessment and management of water Resources” in Two days E- National conference on Integrative advances in Civil Engineering, 2021


Prof. Hridayesh Varma published a paper entitle “Conception of Drainage Morphometry by using Remote Sensing and GIS” in International  Journal  on Emerging Technologies, Sep 2020

Prof. Hridayesh Varma published a paper entitle “Ground Water Prospect Zone Mapping in the Barkheda Nathu Basin of Kolans River Using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System” in International  Journal  on Emerging Technologies, Sep 2020

Prof. Deepshikha Soni published a paper entitle “A study of factors influencing quality construction projects” in ICIASEH2020, JULY 29-30 2020

Dr. D.P. Gupta published a paper entitle “Survey and analysis of natural resources with special reference to remote sensing technique” in Compliance Engineering Journal,   April 2020

Prof.Hridayesh Varma  published a paper entitle “Application of GIS an Remote Sensing Technologies in site selection of dumping of solid Waste” in NECRAST, July 27-28, 2020

Prof. Supriya Jain published a paper entitle “Rain fall run-off modeling using artificial intelligence” in NECRAST ,July 27-28, 2020

Prof. Hridayesh Varma, Prof. Anshul Jain & Prof.Deepshikha Soni published a paper entitle “Comparision of a conventional and a green building” in EPIC, Oct 26-27, 2020

Prof. Anshul Jain published a paper entitle “Impact of climant change on crop evapotransiration in central region of india” in EPIC, Oct 26-27, 2020


Prof. Aarti Dholi published a paper entitleStabilization of bricks with lime fly ash and geogrid”  in ICIREMPS,  feb 21-23 ,2019


Prof. Atul kumar vaidya published a paper entitle “Utility of waste plastic, low density poly ethylene in pavements”  in ICIREMPS,  feb 21-23 ,2019


Prof. Deepak Malviya published a paper entitle “A comparative study of recycled aggregate and fresh aggregate in concrete mix design”  in ICIREMPS,  feb 21-23 ,2019


Prof. Deepak Sharma published a paper entitle “Impact analysis of molarity variation of alkaline solution on properties of geo-polymer fly ash bricks” in ICIREMPS,  feb 21-23 ,2019


Prof. Hridayesh Varma published a paper entitle “Ground water management study using remote sensing and GIS techniques”  in ICIREMPS,  feb 21-23 ,2019


Prof. Jagrati Sharma published a paper entitle “Analysis of concrete-made recycled materials for economical behavior”  in ICIREMPS,  feb 21-23 ,2019


Prof. Maneesh Sahoo published a paper entitle “Soil stabilization of black cotton soil using ppwf and coconut fibers including scba”  in ICIREMPS,  feb 21-23 ,2019


Prof. Nirjhar Gupta published a paper entitle “Evaluation of tee-intersection at best price, karond bhopal- a case study” in ICIREMPS,  feb 21-23 ,2019


Prof. Rahul Dubey published a paper entitle “Analysis on steel corrosion in rcc structures”  in ICIREMPS,  feb 21-23 ,2019


Dr. Shubha Bhargava published a paper entitleScientific disposal of solid waste of bhanpur khanti of bhopal-a case study” in ICIREMPS , feb 21-23 ,2019


Prof. Supriya Jain published a paper entitle “Human hair as fiber reinforcement in concrete”  in ICIREMPS,  feb 21-23 ,2019


Prof. Sourabh Birole published a paper entitle “Stabilization of black cotton soil by using locally available soil”  in ICIREMPS,  feb 21-23 ,2019


Prof. Nirjhar Gupta published a paper entitle “Fully bio-degreable jute fabric reinforced polylactic acid composite for architectural application”  in Sustainable Materials and Structures for Civil Infrastructures, march 14-15, 2019

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